Trbušnjak Cave

In 2006, two new caves were discovered on the territory of Pakračka Gora: Rastik, 140 long, and Trbušnjak, at least 200 meters long, and the first measuring has already shown that Trbušnjak has surpassed the present record holder, Uviraljka, in length, and became the longest cave in Slavonia. The cave is 3-4 m high.

The air humidity in the cave is relatively high due to a stream running through it. 12 ºC both in summer and winter. The special value of Trbušnjak cave is that it is home to a big bat habitat with two rare and protected species, the greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) and the common bent-wing bat (Miniopterus schreibersii). Geoffroy’s bat, Bechstein’s bat, the greater horseshoe bat, the grey long-eared bat, and the barbastelle bat also occasionally live, give birth, or spend the winter there.

This is the biggest preserved colony in this part of Europe!

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