Honey of Golden Slavonia
Albert Einstein said: "If the bee disappeared from the surface of the Earth, man would have no more than four years left to live." Without the bees, there is no pollination, no fruit, food, or people.
Nectar honey is made from one or more nectariferous plants (acacia, linden, chestnut, cherry, plum, apple, meadow flowers…), and honeydew is honey made from honeydew, a sweet liquid of deciduous and coniferous trees.
Slavonia, and therefore Požega-Slavonia County, are rich in different nectariferous plants, and the diversity of the area ensures constant bee pasture, i.e., blooming of nectariferous plants at different times.
One of the specialties of the County is Hungarian oak forests on the territory of NP Papuk. The result of the secretion of honeydew from the living parts of the Hungarian oak that the bees are collecting is dark, almost black honey.
The most famous honey of our region is acacia honey, flower honey, chestnut honey, meadow honey, honeydew honey, Hungarian oak honeydew honey, rapeseed oil honey, sunflower honey…
Slavonian honeydew honey, the best from nature!
It is a little bit darker and less sweet than other honey, but its quality is unrivaled! Top-quality honeydew honey from Papuk, Krndija, and Mount Dilj has put Slavonia in the honey elite of Europe.
The bees make it from the Hungarian oak honeydew and the true connoisseurs emphasize its top quality in both nutritional and medicinal sense.
Honeydew honey is recommended to anemic people due to its high level of iron, it is very rich in easily-absorbed minerals, and it also contains bigger quantities of antioxidants, amino acids, and enzymes. Besides sucrose, fructose, and glucose it also contains a bigger quantity of higher sugars that are very easily absorbed in the body and are long-acting so even diabetics can eat it.
A teaspoon a day will bring you back energy and alleviate a cold and sore throat. It’s not for nothing that the ancient Romans considered honeydew honey to be a true gift from heaven!
Together with flower, acacia, linden, rapeseed, sunflower, and chestnut honey, honeydew honey makes a recognizable brand of Slavonian honey protected with the EU designation of origin.
Pčelarstvo Krivačić
Address: D. Duchača 50, Prekopakra
Phone number: +385 98 952 2879
E-mail: pcelarstvokrivacic@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/P%C4%8Delarstvo-Kriva%C4%8Di%C4%87-350755955290537
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pcelarstvo_krivacic/
OPG Saletta
Address: Krndija 69, Pakrac
Phone number: +385 91 421 1006
E-mail: vinko.saleta@po.t-com.hr
OPG Karlić Ante
Address: Smrik 3, Pleternica
Phone number: +385 98 982 5884
OPG Valenta Goran
Address: Eugena Podubskog 76a, Pleternica
Phone number: +385 98 915 0065
E-mail: goranvalenta18@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OPGValentaGoran/
OPG Targuš
Address: Pavla Radića 179, Požega
Phone number: +385 99 213 4243
E-mail: anita1988m@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PcelarstvoTargus
OPG Damir Sertić
Address: Julija Kempfa 46, Požega
Phone number: +385 91 751 2433
E-mail: damirpcelar@gmail.com
OPG Egner
Address: Republike Hrvatske 12, Kutjevo
Phone number: +385 99 769 5644
E-mail: andrej.egner8@gmail.com
OPG Hora Slavko
Address: Otok 3, Kutjevo
Phone number: +385 34 255 145
E-mail: pcelarstvo.hora@gmail.com
OPG Benčić
Address: Eugena Kvaternika 15, Kutjevo
Phone number: +385 98 941 0853
E-mail: pcelarstvobencic@net.hr
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pcelarstvo.bencic
Poljoprivredno gospodarstvo Polić
Address: Kralja Tomislava 48, Grabarje
Phone number: +385 99 265 0100
E-mail: zlatapolic61@gmail.com
OPG Svjetličić Ivana
Address: Kralja Tomislava 24, Jakšić
Phone number: +385 98 545 820
E-mail: ivana1.svjetlicic@gmail.com
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/OPGSvjetlicic/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pcelarstvo_svjetlicic/
OPG Jelenko Blašković
Address: Alojzija Stepinca 19, Jakšić
Phone number: +385 98 170 1022
E-mail: janja.blaskovic79@gmail.com
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/P%C4%8Delarstvo-Bla%C5%A1kovi%C4%87-160822938036707/
OPG Draguljić Đurđica
Address: Radovanci 6a, Radovanci
Phone number: +385 98 174 2534
OPG Dražen Šubara
Address: Trnovac 18, Trnovac
Phone number: +385 95 811 6787
E-mail: monika.subara985@gmail.com
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/pcelarstvosubara/
OPG Božić Milan
Address: Nurkovac 4, Nurkovac
Phone number: +385 98 519 199
E-mail: pcelarstvo.bozic58@gmail.com
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/opgpcelarstvobozic
OPG Antonija Zelenika
Address: Strossmayerova 7, Velika
Phone number: +385 91 152 5190
E-mail: antonijazelenika@gmail.com
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/opgantonijazelenika/
OPG Bošković Ivan
Address: Osječka 61, Jakšić
Phone number: +385 34 257 352
E-mail: pcelarstvo.boskovic@gmail.com
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/pcelarstvo.boskovic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pcelarstvo.boskovic/
OPG Antunović
Address: Strossmayerova 4a, Velika
Phone number: +385 98 995 3429
E-mail: zrinka.antunovic@gmail.com
OPG Dario Galić
Address: Kralja Tomislava 29, Mihaljevci
Phone number: +385 99 504 4195
OPG Marin Zanetti
Address: Zelena ulica 23, Požega
Phone number: +385 99 241 6000
OPG Damir Martić
Address: M. Valkovića 8, Vidovci
Phone number: +385 91 273 1334
OPG Mladenko Soldo
Address: Zelena ulica 16, Požega
Phone number: +385 98 362 362
OPG Robert Idlbek
Address: Miroslava Krleže 22, Požega
Phone number: +385 98 714 165
E-mail: info@pcelarstvo-idlbek.hr
Web: https://www.pcelarstvo-idlbek.hr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pcelarstvo.idlbek
OPG Robert Vincer
Address: Marina Držića 25, Požega
Phone number: +385 98 451 631
E-mail: robert.vincer@posta.hr
OPG Sveti Ambrozije
Address: Svetog Roka 17, Požega
Phone number: +385 99 63 0468
E-mail: vili.ambrozije@gmail.com
OPG Zdenka Prpić
Address: Ante starčevića 134, Požega
Phone number: +385 99 348 0768
OPG Bišćan
Address: Nikole Tesle 25, Lipik
Phone number: +385 99 769 8887
OPG Matuzić
Address: Miroslava Krleže 6, Lipik
Phone number: +385 98 978 6837
E-mail: marijan.matuzic@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PcelarstvoMatuzic/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pcelarstvo_matuzic/
OPG Perinović
Address: Tabor 77, Filipovac
Phone number: +385 34 421 699; +385 98 902 3917
OPG Ranković
Address: Klisa 60, Klisa
Phone number: +385 989 7550
OPG Slako
Address: Školska 5, Lipik
Phone number: +385 34 421 751; +385 98 977 1447
OPG Tutić
Address: Matije Gupca 48, Lipik
Phone number: +385 95 968 1246; +385 98 921 9198