Požega Municipal Museum


Ulica Matice hrvatske 1, Požega Trenutno na adresi: Ulica Matice hrvatske 5, zgrada „Slavonke“, 2. kat

+385 34 272 130





Požega Municipal Museum was founded on December 6, 1924, courtesy of Julije Kempf, a distinguished citizen of Požega, a historian, an author of the first monography about Požega and Požega county, an educator, a participant in the public life and the mayor. This is the second oldest museum in Slavonia (after the Museum of Slavonia Osijek).

The Municipal Museum is a regional and complex museum that has eight departments in total (Archeology, History, Ethnology, Natural History, Art History, Department for documentation and information, Pedagogical department, and the Department for general and technical matters) which manage around 85 000 museum artifacts, books, and publications. The museum is at the moment in another place due to the works on the museum buildings within the City of Požega’s project “Požeške bolte” which will result in the renovation of the museum and the opening of a new permanent display of the museum. Thereby, the museum will become the central place of the cultural history of Požega and its surroundings.

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