Archeological site Rudina


Nedaleko naselja Čečavac i Šnjegavić, Općina Brestovac

On the eastern slopes of Psunj mount, not far from Čečevec and Šnjegavić, there are archeological remains of a Benedictine abbey of Saint Michael on Rudina, Monte Cassino of Požega. This is a very picturesque, easily accessible area where the shepherds still herd their flocks. The mentioned monastery complex was built during the Middle Ages, and archeological research has shown that this area was extremely significant for the people who lived there in prehistoric and antic times.

Rudina area was at the peak of its development in the medieval period when a Benedictine abbey was there that stopped being in function during the wars with the Ottomans.

Archeological research in the second half of the 1980s brought to light the remains of a three-nave Romanesque church with three semi-circular apses, a bell tower, a sacristy, and other parts of the monastery complex. Besides that, remains from the earlier, but also later periods were found there.

This location is today known for Rudina heads, i.e., consoles set on the underlay cornice of the apses of the church that belonged to the monastery showing in a stylized way the faces of people who are still unknown.

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