Lake Sovsko

The legend says that sister Danica cried it out because her brothers, Petar and Jakob, were extremely evil. According to another legend, it got its name after owls. They also call it the Blue eye of Slavonia. Magical Lake Sovsko is located on the wooded northern slopes of Dilj, and with its shape and dark green color, which occasionally turns into blue, it gives an impression of an eye.

This lake is the last remaining of the Pannonian Sea in Croatia. This is indicated by surrounding layers of limestone with fish and shell fossils. It is considered an important locality in the category of protection of significant landscape since it is a wetland habitat of great biodiversity, and there are fewer and fewer of them in the world. Marsh birds have found their refuge here – warblers, coots, grebes, and wild ducks. Considering fish, only one species lives in the lake, the goldfish.

For nature lovers, this is truly a paradise. Long walks on freshly mowed glades discovering forests ruled by sessile oak and common hornbeam, enjoying the harmonious singing of the birds, vocalization of wild ducks and frogs, and a breathtaking view from the wooden observation deck lake Brdo elevation east from Lake Sovsko, a family picnic on fragrant grass… The only thing that is left is to fill your basket with all those savory salty and sweet Slavonian delicacies!

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