Convent of Sisters of Saint Vincent


Trg Sv. Trojstva 17, Požega

+385 34 275 836

The single-floor building was built in 1726 for the Gymnasium in Požega. Academia Posegana was there with a faculty of philosophy and theology. One of the students, professors, and principals of the Gymnasium was also the Jesuit Antun Kanižlić, famous for his work “Sveta Rožalija”.

In 1879 the nuns from the Company of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul moved into the building. The Town School for Boys moved out and the building was adapted to the needs of an Elementary and High School for Girls. It also received a permit to add the second floor for the housing for the sisters. The second floor was immediately built, as well as the outbuildings.

Since the school became too small for the rising number of children at the very beginning of the 20th century, the Company built a new two-story building in 1902, east of the old one. Both buildings are connected on the first floor by a house chapel of Saint Joseph, and on the ground floor by a common entry.

Today, the convent of Saint Joseph has 14 sisters of charity. The sisters act in the parish apostolate as sacristans, organists, and catechists, they teach in elementary and high schools as professors and religion teachers, and they work as nurses at the Požega general hospital.

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